People are checked in now what?

People are checked in now what?

Many people see check in data as some what of a commodity. I agree. The check in is merely the indicator of a persons presence the new "log in" if you will.. In days past if we could get registered users on our site we would be able to tailor the site experience based any number of attributes.

Just like planning how to tailor a web experience a brand has to determine what to do when a person checks in to a location. Do you want to tally the number of times a person has visited and reward. How about about offering some unique piece of content or incentive. What ever the case people must see the value if you want them to use it more than once.

At the moment each location platform has its own check in data. Having to manage data for each location increases overhead and reduces chances of timeliness and relevance of location based content. This is an opportunity where open data standards would make it easier to manage a digital overlay to physical locations.

Even with open data standards "Check In" data needs to be combined with more than just geo location in order to increase relevance. Enter Facebook and their open graph. Connecting the check in with your profile adds a whole new dimension to location based relevance. Assuming part of your location based strategy is to deliver content of any type using profile data gives you the ability to segment people and increase relevance.

As you begin to plan for location based interaction make sure to clearly define the value exchange and understand how to couple profile or behavioral data with the check in to increase relevance.

Do you see FaceBook places as a help or hindrance to having better location based data?